Cricos Code 
Course Duration:
53 weeks
Classification :
 ANZSCO 121000 Farmers And Farm Managers
 Study Mode:
National Students: Classroom face to face

Online – Moodle


International Students: Classroom face to face only (20 hours per week)
Unit & Assessment Information:

Completion of ten (10) selected units as below.

AHCWHS503  Manage work health and safety  processes Activity / Learning Guide (this includes practical assessments).
AHCCHM501 Develop a chemical use strategy Assessment 1 : Short and extended answer questions

    • Section A:  Develop a chemical use and risk assessment strategy.
    • Section B:  Identify a pest and review the chemical use for controlling that pest.
    • Section C:  Develop and implement procedures for chemical management and use. .
    • Section D:  Workplace training, supervision, and solution for chemical use.

Assessment 2 :Recorded PowerPoint presentation on implementing developed chemical use and management procedures for the chosen disease or pest/insect problem in Section C.

Assessment 3 : Practical xamination – Label and SDS Reading

Assessment 4 : Written Examination

AHCWRK520 Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability Assignment 1– Develop a sustainability policy
Assignment 2- Oral / Recorded Presentation on implementing a training program for the policy developed.
Assignment 3 – Peer review
AHCAGB518 Develop climate risk management strategies Assessment 1 : Short Answer Questions-  Review Climate and Enterprise data

Assessment  2 : Research Assignment – Develop a climate risk management strategies

Assessment  3  : Tutorial tasks – Interpreting climate data to forecast climate scenarios and mitigate risks.

Assessment  4 : Practical Experiment – Measuring the outside temperature using the iButton/ Temperature loggers

Assessment  5 : Climate Risk Management Quiz

AHCBAC417 – Manage agricultural crop production Assessment 1 : Written report on given topic on crop production, harvest and yield management

Assessment 2 : Create a crop production schedule from seed to delivery of product to processor.

Assessment 3 : Recorded PowerPoint presentation based on Assessment 1 and Assessment 2

AHCSOL505  Monitor and manage soils for production Assignment 1 : Understand soilsAssignment 2 : Practical – Test soils (pH, EC, moisture content, etc).

Assignment 3 : Soil Ameliorants – Short Answer Questions

Assignment 4 : Interpret and calculate soil test results, soil management plan and soil health management

Assessment 5 : Written Exam (Closed Book) 3 hours

AHCBUS516 Develop and review a business plan Assessment 1: Business plan proposal ABLIS reportAssessment 2 : Develop a business plan

Assessment 3: Examination : Review of business plan prepared in Assessment item 2

AHCWRK521 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program Assessment 1 : Task 1: Definition questions Task 2: : Standard compliances and produce specification scenario
Assessment 2 : Written questions and Case study covering key criteria – Plan the quality assurance program and develop implementation strategies
Assessment 3 : 
Task 1 :  Implement a fresh care produce standard or alternative in your workplace.
Task 2 : Practical/Simulated or Demonstration Activities for testing microbial for irrigation water and plant produce
Assessment 4 – Review a quality assurance program – Conduct an internal “mock” audit report based on Freshcare standards.
AHCBAC513 Apply plant biology to agronomic practice Assessment 1 : Written report on application of plant biology for agronomic practice
Assessment 2 :Written report on plant functions and impact on growth analysis of plants
Assessment 3 : Recorded Power point bases on your chosen agricultural crop
Assessment 4 : Practical/Simulated or Demonstration Activities ( Weekly Practical Activities)
Assessment 5 : Online Examination
AHCWAT503 Manage water systems Assessment 1 : Short answer questions on assessing soil and resources for crop and plant typeAssessment 2: Part A: Written question on irrigation system selection and design

Part B : Practical Installation of an irrigation system or measurement of an irrigation install

Assessment 3: 

Part A- Extended written questions covering follow key criteria

  • Assess the need for water inputs
  • Monitor irrigation system and plant response

Part B – Moisture analysis ( practical activity)

Assessment 4 : Write a practical report on the evaluation of an irrigation system

Assessment 5 : Written examination

Entry requirements:

Age: 16 plus
English Proficiency Requirement: all candidates must complete a Language Literacy & Numeracy Assessment, assessed by the Language Studies Department.
Academic Requirement: Completion of equivalent to certificate IV or higher, Year 12 equivalent completed, or currently employed in the Agriculture Industry, with at least 36 months equivalent employment.

 Applications, enquiries & tuition fees

More information about applications for this course and intake dates should be directed to or by phone on 03 9654 8822.


This qualification provides a general vocational outcome in agriculture. The qualification enables individuals to select a
livestock production or cropping context as a job focus or, in the case of mixed farming enterprises, both. A farm tradesperson is an experienced farmhand and is likely to be involved in co-ordinating a wide range of agricultural operations. Work undertaken as a farm tradesperson will depend on the type of farm production carried out, and includes:
• planting and harvesting crops
• implementing animal and crop husbandry practices
• servicing and repairing farm equipment and
• designing and constructing fencing
• loading and unloading livestock
• installing and maintaining farm water supplies and
irrigation systems


 Cricos Code
Course Duration:
52 weeks
Classification :
 ANZSCO 841000 Farm, Forestry And Garden Workers
 Study Mode:
Classroom Face to Face

Unit & Assessment Information:

Completion of sixteen (16) selected units as below.

 AHCPMG301 Control weeds
Assessment 1 : Practical Activity Weed Identification & Infestation assessment Weed Identification & Infestation assessment
Assessment 2 : Weed control measures (Plan, Implement and Control)
Assessment 3 : Online Quiz
AHCPMG302 Control plant pests, diseases and disorders

Assessment 1 :
Written Question. Identify pests, diseases and disorders.
Assessment 2 : Work site-based activity
Assessment 3 : Practical Activity – Collect and name 4 insects/pest and 4 diseases and disorders 2 Plants Deficiencies and 2 beneficial organisms
Assessment 4 : Practical examination – Weed Identification.
AHCWRK320 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
Assessment 1: Identify resources and sustainable practices on at ACAH Demonstration
Assessment 2 : Case  study
Assessment 3 : Checklist/Survey. Workplace environmental survey
Online quiz : 45 questions
AHCBIO303 Apply biosecurity measures Assessment 1 : Online based assignment about pests, diseases, and Noxious Weeds.
Assessment 2 : Short answer questions about definitions and application of biosecurity measure for on-farm or for an enterprise
Assessment 3 :Complete workplace and regulatory biosecurity records
AHCPCM305 Implement a plant nutrition program Assessment 1 : Interpreting site plans and specifications, Material, equipment, tools and plant nutrition program, safety checks on equipment & machinery, site hazard management, PPE selection maintenance & storage and keeping work site safe
Assessment 2 : Short answers questions & calculations covering follow key areas
Identify and assess soil or growing media characteristics
Prepare to use fertilisers
Prepare application equipment
Apply specific products at appropriate rates
Complete plant nutrition program activities
Assessment 3 : Practical activity (Visual inspection checklist ) : Determine nutritional problems in plants
AHCSOL406 Sample soils and interpret resultsAssessment 1 : Written Short and Extended Answer Questions, Definitions, Terminology, Preparing for soil surveying & sampling activities, soil physical and chemical characteristics & parameters for specific plants, RAW, soil ameliorant and improvement techniques
Assessment 2 : Practical / Simulated or Demonstrated Activities
Soil depth and colour (Munsell Chart)
Soil texture test (Ribbon test)
Soil structural stability in water
Soil pH, soil EC
Soil Microbes Test
Moisture Analysis
Assessment 3 : Written questions covering follow key areas
Determine relevant regional data and site characteristics
Define the requirements for plant nutrition
Document the soil health and plant nutrition program and specifications
Monitor plant growth and evaluate the program properties are identify for testing
Assessment 4 : Calculation of fertilisers
Assessment 5 
Part A-Writing report : Research botanical specifications, site assessment, growing conditions and
environmental context for a selected crop.
Part B – Oral/ Recorded PowerPoint
AHCWRK317 Coordinate work site activitiesAssessment 1 : Written questions covering below key criteria Prepare for work site activities
Organise resources
Coordinate and report on activities
Assessment 2 : Practical Activity (daily workplace activities) Task reporting, rostering, document control and pre start checks.
Assessment 3 : Online Quiz (competency grade 70%)
AHCWRK315 Respond to emergenciesAssignment 1 : Written Short and Extended Answer Questions, Definitions and Terminology

Assignment 2 :  First Aid Case Scenarios – Emergency situation exercises.

Practical Activities : Workplace hazard identification, assessment of risk, risk rating, hierarchy of control, procedures for hazards identification, assessing and controlling risks

AHCPHT312 Implement a crop regulation programAssessment 1:  (Part A and B): Prepare for implementing a crop regulation program
Assessment 2: Practical activities/ Practical demonstration
The following key areas will be covered during this assessment.
Prepare for the crop regulation program
Communicate and monitor crop regulation activities
Undertake crop regulation
Complete crop regulation activities
AHCLSK301 Administer medication to livestockAssessment 1: Complete a Livestock Induction for Safety.

Assessment 2: Calibration of a Drench Gun

Assessment 3: Read Label and SDS for a Veterinary Chemical

Assessment 4: Farm Biosecurity, animal welfare and environmental sustainability practices

AHCLSK331 Comply with industry animal welfare requirementsAssessment 1 : Animal welfare certificate on LPA

Assessment 2 : Activity booklet

AHCMOM304 Operate machinery and equipmentAssessment 1 : Short answer questions

The following key areas will be covered during this assessment.

  • Prepare machinery and equipment for use
  • Complete machinery and equipment operation

Assessment 2 : Practical activity – demonstrate the on-site item of one of the following equipment/machineries under

AHCWHS302 Contribute to WHS processesAssessment 1: WHS legislations, code of practices, national standards, enterprise WHS policies and procedures
Assessment 2 : Written Questions – Workplace hazard identification, assessment of risk, hierarchy of control & safety training.
Assessment 3 : PPE, basic safety checks, hazardous substances, noise hazards, manual handling risks, monitoring and report workplace safety issues, raising WHS issues, Participation in consultation – Written Questions: PPE, Incident, Accident reporting
Assessment 4 : Online quiz
AHCMOM202 Operate tractors (QLD only)

Assessment 1:

The following activities will be covered in this unit :

  • Activity 1: Procedures and guidelines for the use of tractors and equipment at the workplace or training location
  • Activity 2: Hazard identification and control checklist
  • Activity 3: Tractors checklist
  • Activity 4: Tractor Pre-start Procedure & Implements Checklist
  • Activity 5: On-site practical assessment of tractor operation. 

Assessment 2: Practical Assessment Safely attach drawbar equipment and set for operation

Assessment 3: Short answer questions

AHCMOM216 Operate side by side utility vehicles  (VIC only) 

The following activities will be covered in this unit : 

    • Activity 1: Written questions about side by side
    • Activity 2: Label the parts of the side by side
    • Activity 3: Complete the Hazard identification and control checklist 
    • Activity 4: Operating procedure for side-by-side vehicle
    • Activity 5: Short answer question on a given side by side manual 
    • Activity 6. List required resources, labour and expenses to calculate total estimate cost
    • Activity 7: On-site practical assessment (Practical demonstration of side-by-side operation)
AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals /AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseaseAssessment 1 :Short answer questions

Assessment 2 : Calibration activity (100% required)- Calibrate boom spray & knapsack sprayer using provided instructions

Assessment 3 : Examination (label & SDS reading) (100% required)
Entry requirements:
Age: 16 plus
English Proficiency Requirement:all students must complete a Language Literacy & Numeracy Assessment, assessed by the Language Studies Department.
Academic Requirement:Completion of equivalent to certificate II or higher, Year 10 equivalent completed, or currently employed in the Agriculture Industry, with at least 12 months equivalent employment or a genuine interest in commencing a career in agriculture.
Applications, enquiries & tuition fees:

More information about applications for this course and intake dates should be directed to  or by phone on 03 9654 8822.